Askew Returns With Thunderclap Headache

1xRun Thru Interview
Thunderclap Headache by Askew

1xRUN: Tell us a little bit about this piece, what materials were used to create this piece?
Askew: It is painted in acrylic, spray paint, cel-vinyl and a waterborne glaze.

1xRun: When was the piece created and tell us how the idea and execution came about?
Askew:   The piece was painted in 2011 – one of the best and one of the worst years of my life! I set up the reference shot and then got my friend to shoot the photo of me with the light contrasting on the front of my face. I mocked up a few versions on the computer and knew I wanted a colour gradient flowing through the head. it is kind of reminiscent of the title pages in a batman comic where the story so far is summarised inside his head. I knew I wanted to work within that space like a comic frame. I actually wanted to paint this image super flat and wrestled with my patience for a couple of days before I threw a tantrum of sorts and slashed the painting with spray paint. That was the best bit, I ended up working with it and that’s been my style since.


1xRun: How long did this piece take to create?
Askew: I worked on an off with this piece over a few months in both the US and NZ. It’s traveled all over with me. The flight from Miami to LA they charged me the same cost as my fare to take that and two other canvases rolled up with me.

1xRun: What is unique about this piece compared with some of the others in the portrait series that you have created?
Askew: I guess the special thing is it was the starting point for all of this recent work so it has a particular energy about it.


1xRun: Why should people buy this print?
Askew: If people are into my art then I guess because it’s a significant work for me personally and reading all the above they will know why. It’s sentimental.

1xRun: Describe the Thunderclap Headache in one gut reaction word.
Askew: Energetic.


1xRun: Where else can people find you?
Askew: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitter
