Streets Revisited: Insa & Rone Painting Gif-iti In Melbourne

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

In 2013 I was fortunate enough to travel to Melbourne, Australia for a long vacation.  Upon my travels I got to kick it with local artist Rone and some guys from the Everfresh Studio in the Collingwood neighborhood.  He told me to meet him around noon in the graffiti crushed alley near the studio. He said he was teaming up with a guy in town for a moving Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) project he was working on. I was unaware of who Insa was at the time & I didn’t really grasp their concept until I photographed the wall for a few hours.  The result is the Gif-iti concept that Insa has since taken to new levels around the globe. Sometimes he will collaborate with another major muralist sometimes he rolls solo.  Insa chooses to remain anonymous but his work remains on top of the food chain among public art everywhere.

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

In the end you can see that these world class painters killed the wall four different times for the Gif-iti mural below:

Rone and Insa paint gifiti wall in Melbourne, Australia

Insa now has an app that allows you to see the GIF-ITI in action on your phone when you stand in front of the wall, you can download that now in the app store.

You can follow Insa and Rone on Instagram at @insa_gram and @r_o_n_e respectively.
