Joining us for her 12th RUN, we welcome back Toronto artist Sarah Joncas as she joins us with her latest edition Medusae. Sharing swirling subject matter with her Aegean Sisters, for this piece (which was part of her most recent exhibition Betwixt and Between over at Thinkspace) Joncas continues to explore the boundaries between her acrylic and oil styles. Read on as Sarah gives us the story behind this edition and much more . . .
1xRUN: Tell us a little bit about this piece, anything immediate you would like us to highlight about this image?
Sarah Joncas: This painting was actually an idea I had in my pocket from awhile ago when I did a commission piece of two mermaids called Aegean Sisters. I often do many sketches for a client to help them narrow down their vision for a work and this sketch was one of the neglected ideas I had. Funny thing is the client who commissioned the two mermaids a year back is also the one who picked up the original of this painting too – they still ended up together in the end!
1x: Was this image part of a recent theme, series or show that you had? If so how did it fit into that given grouping?
Joncas: She was apart of a two person show that recently passed at Thinkspace Gallery called Betwixt and Between. I didn’t have a specific theme in mind with the show, but was more exploring an aesthetic and trying to push the boundaries of my oil and acrylic painting juxtapositions. The acrylic being used in a more graphic and secondary method, while the oil being used to form out the figure and other more rendered subjects. In ‘Medusae’ I used the acrylic to help me produce a gradient and flowing background, which would have been more difficult in oils. As far as the idea behind the piece, it was really about having fun with movement and dancing jelly fish, which were focused on in a few of my paintings for the show.
1x: When was this piece created and what materials were used?
Joncas: It was created at the end of last year, 2017 using oil and acrylic on panel.
1x: Tell us how the idea and execution came about for this image?
Joncas: I already mentioned how the idea came about for the image, but execution was a little less prepared. I wasn’t certain the colours I wanted to go with for the piece, even after doing a handful of colour comps on my computer. I originally painted her in blues, yellows and oranges, but then switched for this more feminine palette in the end. A lot of my decisions for a piece comes down to what feels right, so sudden changes do occur in the process.
1x: How long did each of this image take to create from start to finish?
Joncas: The painting took many months to complete.
1x: What is unique about this piece compared with your other work?
Joncas: I wouldn’t say she is unique from my other work, she was very much connected to my previous painting ‘Aegean Sisters’.
1x: Why should people buy this one of these prints?
Joncas: Simply if they enjoy the image, it’s a good quality print and a good price!
1x: Describe this image in one gut reaction word.
Joncas: Playful.
Medusae by Sarah Joncas – Click To Purchase
1x: What have you been up to over the last few months? Bring us up to speed on how things have been going recently for you…
Joncas: Things are well! After my big show that just passed in January, I’m busy working up a new body of work for a show at Haven gallery next fall. As well as a usual schedule of group shows. I’ve also been spending many months renoing my house by hand with my fiancé, which has been an adventure – though with everything nearing completion now, I’m excited to be preping ideas for a large mural going in my living room soon!
1x: Any recent shows or exhibitions that you had?
Joncas: ‘Betwitx and Between’ at Thinkspace, ‘Supersonic Group Show’ at Spoke Art, and opening this weekend is ‘Vanitas’ at Haven Gallery.
1x: What are some of the ways you have been trying to push yourself with your work over the last year?
Joncas:I’ve been trying to get better with my rendering of the figures and realistic form, as well the opposite in letting go and being more playful with my acrylic combinations – pushing a more graphic and experimental quality to the work. I find great enjoyment and meditation while working in layers with oils, while a certain amount of playfulness in juxtaposing that against my acrylic backgrounds/details.
1x: What are some strides you feel you’ve made in your work recently?
Joncas: It’s hard to feel strides in your work when you are so close to it all the time, but the feedback I get from collectors and fans over the net, or in person while attending shows is very rewarding. I get a better sense of what’s working and if people are enjoying the new directions I take in my work. I had been very uncertain previous to my opening this past January if the more subtle, graphic quality of my newer paintings would be successful, but an happy to find viewers enjoying them more so.
1x: What was the last piece of art that you bought?
Joncas: I can’t afford to buy originals, sadly, but I’ll pick up prints here and there to get framed. The most recent I purchased was a ‘Black Swan’ screen print created by Sam Wolf Connelly.
1x: Do you have any big shows or events coming up that you’d like to share?
Joncas: Just the bigger show coming up in November with Haven Gallery. I’m preparing to have around 8 pieces for that, otherwise it’s just smaller group exhibitions leading up to it.
1xRUN: Where can we find you?
Sarah Joncas: Website – Instagram + Twitter @sarah_joncas – Facebook –