Scott Musgrove’s 8 Foot Sea World Carousel

Artist Scott Musgrove has always been one to push the envelope when it comes to strange creatures.  His latest endeavor “Sea World” comes in the form of an 8 foot tall carousel that coincides with the opening of his upcoming solo show “Wilder” at Jonathan Levine Gallery. We caught up with Musgrove about his latest sculpture, read on for more and check out photos and video of the carousel below:

“The centerpiece of the show is a new sculpture I created called “Sea World.” It’s a little poke in the eye to Sea World, but it is also (and most obviously) an 8 foot tall working, ride-able coin operated carousel that was built almost completely from scratch (except the motor and one or two steel parts). You can ride it. The entire piece is replete with lights, happy music and anguished whale, orca and dolphin sounds. A ride that’s just a little bit too long costs only 25¢ (and a little bit of your soul), ” Musgrove said.






Scott Musgrove has been featured on 1xRUN for RUN #00586 The Hiker, and RUN #00964 Maori Equus, you can read his past interviews here. You can follow him on Intsagram @scott_musgrove.